Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We will eat and after, your children...Now Back to the Weather, Tiffany!

I friggin' LOVE true blood, of course I have watched all the episodes on time, but my sister does not have HBO so she came over tonight and she caught up on the episodes she missed.  Needless to say I am completly and utterly obsessed with this show, in particular Alexander Skarsgaard a.k.a Eric Northman...Me and My friend have decided to start a a band and we are calling ourselves the Northmans...heheheheheee....I LOVE IT!!!!!

I have also read all the Sookie Stackhouse books(before I started watching the show)...I can't decide which one I like better, probably the books, but the show is sooooo different that they don't even compair...

anyway signing off for the night...

Friday, August 20, 2010

Rock, Paper, Scissors, lizard, Spock...

So we are sitting here catching up on missed episodes of Big Bang Theory, is it just me or is this the funniest show on television or what!? ... 
The Girls and I went to 'The Switch' it was alot better than I expected, and different than I expected, I thought it would a pure comedy but it was like deeper, and more complex than I thought any Jenifer Anisten movie could be, deffinatly surpased my expectations...

I also got a free dessert at dinner cause it was my birthday, Mmmmmm Chocolate Crepes.

Captain's Log, stardate 0001

First Post, wow I really haven't done this in a long time...years even...

Mom Journal:
Parker is getting really big, he is already going to 4 months old on tuesday...I know all mothers say it goes by fast, but I never expected this...Sometimes I don't feel like a mother, but I guess maybe that comes with time...Perhaps its because i have the best baby in the world, he only cries when he is hungry...He smiles and giggles at everyone, and is not picky about who holds him...No Collics, no super hard nights yet, although I had to give up Breastfeeding after a week, since than its been a breeze...but maybe I shouldn't talk so soon..well we'll see...

Lady Dutch Journal:
Today is my birthday, and for it I got this laptop...I am extatic about it, later I am going to dinner and a movie with the girls. Eric will be watching Parker...It might be nice to get away from the family life for a night, thats not to say I dont love my family, its just that I am 23 years old, everybody else my age is still out partying every weekend, or just finishing up college trying to start their lives, and my life is set, I've been at  my job for 8 years, (it was my first job) and I  have been married for over a year, and have a 4 month old, sometimes I feel 33 not 23...Hmmm...