Friday, April 29, 2011


True Love...Soul at first sight...does any of it really exsist?...if it does, I am really deprived, if it doesn't I guess I am just never satisfied...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

back to work...

It's been a week and a half that i've been back to work, and the same amount of time my sister has been living with us....I am a ridiculously happier, which of the circumstances causes my happiness?  probably both, I get my high from working with the public(i am certain that I feed off of others energy) and I have someone to be silly with, and confied in everyday...I love my sister, obviously..although we haven't always gotten along, she now my best and closest friend....I will miss her terribly when she moves to the other end of the world(seriously, i am not exagerating...she is going to live in New Zealand).